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Art of Ben Riddlebarger

Live Long and Tacky


At Dupont Little Flea Market the first and third Sundays throughout the year


Art is different for everyone. The Art of Ben Riddlebarger is unique and full of color, whimsy, and a sense of humor. Any bare wall would be better suited with this crazy and unique art. At his booth prints, painted canvases, original watercolors, one of a kind framed pieces, buttons, bumper stickers, and a rotating selection of unique crafts created for any room and any space are available.

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Our Story

Born in rural Ohio in 1979 and raised in a christian cult, I grew up sheltered and would only catch glimpses of the big vibrant world from the car window or from songs playing in grocery stores. I would spend a lot of time doodling on anything I could get my hands on. 


One day I was out exploring and found a stack of Heavy Metal Magazines. Inside was full of surreal comics and full-page spreads of fantastical worlds, like the ones I would dream of in my head. I hid them and would secretly lay in bed with a flashlight and study the illustrations and learn every hidden detail in them and I tried to copy the styles in my own art.


In 2008, I lost my brother very tragically. During this time, I mentally shut down. I started drawing squares over and over, to soft music. Slowly I found peace in the repetitive motions of my hand on paper. I began to meditate through it. Eventually I emerged from my shell and back to living. Drawing became an obsession that I needed to give time to everyday. It became more than art, it became a reason to live again, to enjoy the world around me, and to celebrate the friends and family I still had.


I make what I love, I make what I hate, I make what makes me laugh, and I make what helps me heal. I draw to live.

I reside in Dupont Circle and make something new everyday. My art has been featured in magazines, books, album covers, commercial products, graphic novels, stage productions, and Hollywood movies. I love to talk about myself and my art so please indulge me by emailing me at or follow my artworks on Instagram @bennybigmouth or online at

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  • Instagram DupontLittleFleaMarket
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